”With the album “tengsl” there is no shame in shedding a tear. It is a purifying and uplifting experience, touching the deepest layers of sensitivity, giving relief and peace…The whole creates an excellent musical feast that you absolutely cannot miss.” – Stacja Islandia (Marcin Kozicki)

”Za razliko od tovrstnih izvajalskih duetov na daljavo se aranžmaji skladb z albuma tengsl ne slišijo kot zvočno polje dopolnjevanja, temveč kot koherentno in kompaktno mrežena celota, stkana iz čuječih zvočnih niti obeh avtorjev. Nasproti minimalistično zastavljenemu naslavljanju skladb, ki vsebujejo le dva enodelna islandska besedna pomena – eindir in þræðir, se bohoti čudesni svet filigransko pretočnega ambientalnega vzdušja.” – SIGIC (Miroslav Akrapović)

”His melodies are deceptively simple but quite evocative, with a laid-back authority worthy of Miles Davis. You’re listening to the trumpet but all that other stuff keeps clattering around in the background, creating quite the audio feast.” – Pitch Perfect (Dino DiMuro) 

”Album A Guide for Lost Travellers ni osmišljen kot enosmerni napotek k zaključni destinaciji, temveč s svojo dramaturško prepletenostjo poslušalcu ponuja dovolj zvočnega gradiva za temeljit premislek in pester čustveni odziv.” – SIGIC (Miroslav Akrapović)

”X.U.L. vešče prepleta zvočne vzorce, prvine in teksture, ki se gibljejo od sodobnega glasbenega klasicizma pa vse do improvizirane elektronske godbe. Na trenutke so v tem zvočnem pripovedovanju meje popolnoma zabrisane, drugič jih avtor skozi formatiranje dramaturgije po lastni intuiciji in navdihu postavlja v ospredje.” – SIGIC (Miroslav Akrapović)

”The ambient soundscapes that Selko has created delves into elemental questions posed on how to experience music as one entire unit of consciousness. In this experimental project, X.U.L is excited to learn how we could receive music the exact same as everyone else as one body with limitless sensations.” – Pitch Perfect (My Nguyen)

”What at first appears to be moody and quiet turns into a beautifully flowing work that is epic and cinematic in nature. X.U.L’s simple progression gradually becomes ripe with vibrant sounds and textures at every turn.” – Pleaspasstheindie (Bryon Harris)

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